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Pauline Gloaguen, Gilles Curien, Sylvain Bournais, Christophe Bruley, Florence Combes, Marianne Tardif, Yves Vandenbrouck, Giovanni Finazzi, Myriam Ferro and Norbert Rolland (CNRS, UMR 5168, CEA, DSV, iRTSV, PCV, 17 rue des Martyrs, F-38054 Grenoble, France-INSERM, EDyP, BGE/U1038, INSERM/CEA/Université Grenoble Alpes, F-38054 Grenoble France)
The chloroplast is a great example of a complex metabolic network that produces a lot of metabolites of industrial interest (sugars, lipids…). One way to improve our knowledge of this “metabolic factory” and how it can be successfully modulated by synthetic biology is to build automatically metabolic pathways. Unfortunately, current knowledge is dispersed in the scientific literature. Existing databases do not provide access to accurate data (quantitative and localization). We therefore decided to create a virtual chloroplast, by manually integrating all the available data. We built metabolic maps of the Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplast using CellDesigner, a very convenient structured diagram editor. Layouts are based on a specific graphical notation (SBGN) and are stored using SBML. These maps have been integrated into a web interface providing links with biological databanks and enabling the access to semi-quantitative data on protein abundance obtained from the AT_CHLORO database ( We want to enable the integration of all the metabolism of the chloroplast and to provide this information through a web interface by the en