Getting poster data...
Marzia Munafo (EMBL - Epigenetics and Neurobiology Unit, Via E. Ramarini 32, 00015 Rome Italy)
An essential part of any research project is being able to effectively communicating findings to peers and to the public. However, translating complex scientific findings into an accessible format and engaging the public is often not trivial. Especially now that the COVID-19 outbreak has brought research scientists under the spotlight for a prolonged period of time, it is apparent that communication between specialists and the public is key. Here, I present my work on how to translate biological concepts into scientific illustrations, bringing them to life via captivating and colorful imagery. Starting from cell biology and structural biology research papers, I create compelling visuals that convey the key message in an enjoyable, unconventional format. Furthermore, I also apply this to concepts related to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as “contact tracing” or “neutralizing antibodies”, aiming to gently educate the public about complex issues that often feel intimidating or threatening. With my work, I aim to convey scientific findings to a broad audience of both specialists and not.