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Tanja Gesell (Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL), Vienna, Austria)
This work emerges as a result of the possibilities that a scientific academic system offers for Visualizations of Biological Structures and of research on a Phylogenetic Definition of Structure (PS) [1]. A PS is an abstract object that is defined by a neighbourhood system, a substitution model and a phylogenetic tree. The substitution model specifies the evolutionary process of nucleotide evolution. Contrary to commonly used independent models, the model is influenced by the neighbourhood system that defines the interactions among sites in a sequence. The phylogenetic tree introduces an additional dependency pattern in the observed sequences. Following the phylogenetic definition of structure a PS appears in a set of sequences at different time points. Those can be transformed into objects that can be described, e.g. as planar graphs. Transformation rules are already given, e.g. with the so-called minimum free energy structure or other concepts of commonly used definitions including different visualization tools for macromolecular structures. We will be visualizing different PS movies about the dynamics of sequence evolution with site-specific interactions, e.g. with the diversity