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Alexandre Kouyoumdjian, Ondrej Strnad, Ciril Bohak, Dawar Khan, Anwar Haredy, Donggang Jia, Ivan Viola (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
MesoCraft is a new 3D modeling tool to build complex 3D cellular mesoscale models. It provides the user with the capabilities of loading, rendering and manipulating protein models and geometry. The modeling algorithm is based on procedural rule-based approaches that are rapid to author, fast to construct, and easy to revise. Biological information can be incorporated by interactively defining the rules that spatially characterize the biological entity, such as mutual interactions among macromolecules, and their distances and orientations relative to other structures. These rules are defined through an intuitive 3D interactive visualization as a visual-programming feedback loop. Once the ultrastructure is built, it can be animated by various procedural animation templates available in the system. The software is a WebGPU-based rendering system written in C , built using emscripten for WebAssembly and React UI.