Getting poster data...
Leonora Martínez-Nuñez (UMass Chan Medical School. Biochemistry and Molecular Biotechnology Department. Worcester, MA. )
Composite of illustrations following the social media trend #36daysoftype popular amongst graphic designers. Diverging from the conventional approach I incorporated a biological component by integrating crystal protein structures sourced from the Protein Data Base, previously curated by Mark Howarth. The primary objective of this campaign was to explore the diverse functionalities of proteins, and their significance in our daily life while sharing mesmerizing protein structures for admiration, complemented by scientific information in the process. Because life is not perfect, I felt short on completing the challenge, and only a few letters of the alphabet were featured. All illustrations were crafted using Blender 3D, leveraging the Molecular Nodes add-on or ChimeraX. PDBs used in the image from top left: 2BNH. 2Q5R. 3J04. 4U48. 1XU9. 3B5N. 1B3U. 4OX0. 1UEB. 1OU5. 1Z85. 2WCD.