Getting poster data...
Christian Stolte, Sergei German, Kevin Shi, Sudeep Mehrotra, Dimitrije Jevremovic, Nina Lapchyk, Avinash Abhyankar, Ann-Katrin Emde, Nathaniel Pearson, Karen Hackett, Shailu Gargeya, and Toby Bloom (New York Genome Center, New York, USA)
MetroNome Visualizer is a web application that provides access to the New York Genome Center’s genomic database through an interactive graphical user interface for integrated analysis of “-omics” data, related clinical information, and patient-provided data. MetroNome was conceived to explore and organize data along many dimensions: investigators can analyze differences at specific points in the genomes, in specific genes, or multiple regions. MetroNome visualizer enables investigators to search for genomic differences across large populations, investigate the effects of genomic variations, and relate them to phenotypic conditions.