Getting poster data...
Hiroshi Ro , Kyoko Shinya, Kazuto Tominaga, Yasuhiro Suzuki (Nagoya Univ., Information and Science, Nagoya, Japan; Kobe Univ., Grad. school of Med, Kobe, Japan, Kano InfoNet, Matsumoto, Japan; Keio Univ., Grad. School of SDM, Yokohama, Japan)
The purpose of this project is to help biologists by making a system for analyzing and visualizing their complete set experiment results of global gene expression. Biologists in infection fields usually discard most of the data and only focus on a small area due to the huge quantity. We employed a clustering method, which considers the expression data as time serials, to create one inclusive dendrogram from whole expression data. And this system provides three different kind of visualization for the clustering results that work simultaneously. First, a treemap for showing the pattern of how each group of gene changes as a whole picture. Second, a concentric circle view for showing how the changing patterns of specific genes or groups are similar or different. And finally, a graph for showing how the pathway will change if a subset of gene was extracted.