Getting poster data...
Davide Heller, Alexander Tournier, Lorenzo Gatti, Andreas Hoppe, Simon Restrepo, Nicolas Tapon, Konrad Basler, Yanlan Mao (UZH, Zurich, Switzerland; ZHAW, Zurich, Switzerland; SIB, Lausanne, Switzerland; UCL, London, United Kingdom; Kingston University, Kingston, United Kingdom; Cancer Research UK, London, United Kingdom;)
Epithelia grow and undergo extensive rearrangements to achieve their final size and shape. Imaging the dynamics of tissue growth and morphogenesis is now possible with advances in time-lapse microscopy, but a true understanding of their complexities is limited by automated image analysis tools to extract quantitative data. To overcome such limitations, we have designed a new open-source image analysis toolkit called EpiTools. It provides user-friendly graphical user interfaces for accurately segmenting and tracking the contours of cell membrane signals obtained from 4D confocal imaging. It is designed for a broad audience, especially biologists with no computer-science background. Quantitative data extraction is integrated into a larger bioimaging platform, Icy, to increase the visibility and usability of our tools. We demonstrate the usefulness of EpiTools by analyzing Drosophila wing imaginal disc growth.