Getting poster data...
Zhi Li, Merry Wang, Shannon Roberts, Valera Castanov, Jacobo Bibliowicz, Jeremy Mogk, Azam Khan, Anne Agur (University of Toronto, Medical Sciences Building, Rm. 1158, 1 King's College Circle, Toronto, ON, M5S 1A8, Canada)
The Parametric Human Project (PHP) is a federally incorporated Canadian not-for-profit corporation that was established to help address the need to enhance digital human modelling and simulation using data-driven processes. Through the development of a digital human model, that encompasses the complete morphology and physiology, our vision is to amplify the progress of both the medical research and ergonomic design communities through the systematic modelling of all human properties and processes. We aim to develop individual and aggregate models that support multi-resolution simulation and visualizations that are appropriate for understanding the complex dynamics of musculoskeletal behaviour.