Getting poster data...
Arnim Jenett, Pierre Affaticati, Elodie de Job, Laurie Riviere, Barbara Rizzi, Johanna Djian-Zaouche, Jean-Stephane Joly (Tefor Core Facility, Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
Embedded in the Tefor infrastructure ( the Tefor Core Facility ( is dedicated to the development or implementation of imaging, visualization and analysis techniques of big specimens with and for its partners and clients. This encompasses all processes of specimen and data handling, from breeding over dissecting, staining and imaging up to data management, visualization, analysis of the data and communication of the results. In this context we encountered the problem of having to communicate 3D data. In electronic communications videos of a 3D-rendering of the specimen or just the region of interest are really helpful to explain complex anatomy. However, in more traditional media like print 3D-data is problematic to represent. We therefore started to experiment with collages of multiple views from different angles of the same specimen, arranged in patterns, which help the recipient to perceive the overall 3D-structure of the depicted object. Here we demonstrate a couple of these approaches and their underlying data to elicit a discussion on how to solve the problem of 2D-representation of 3D-data.