Getting poster data...
Katy Borner et al. (Indiana University)
The vasculature forms an uninterrupted path across scales in the human body, making it an ideal choice for creating a Common Coordinate Framework of the human body. The resulting Vasculature Common Coordinate Framework (VCCF) can localize cells of different types by using the nearest blood vessel that supplies it with oxygen. As part of the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP), several tools have been built for spatially registering tissue samples and connecting them with expert ontologies via ASCT B Tables in the Human Reference Atlas (HRA) framework. Interactive data visualizations show the distributions of distances between different cell types and their closest vasculature across organs and using different technologies. Here, we present Vitessce-based visualizations of 6 organs (skin, colon, esophagus, tonsil, spleen, and lung) and three technologies (CODEX, Cell DIVE, CyCIF) from five different data providers. All datasets were RUI-registered (or are in the process of) and can be explored within the context of the 3D human body in the Exploration User Interface. We conclude with a discussion of planned extensions of the analysis and visualization workflows to cover ...