Getting poster data...
M. F. Symmons, S. P. Gore, M. J. Conway, G. van Ginkel, S. Velankar, G. J. Kleywegt (EBI, Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Quips are short, informal articles describing 'quite interesting' PDB structures. They are aimed at an audience with a background in biology, chemistry or medicine and with an interest in the biological insights a biomacromolecular structure can offer. Quips uses an interactive, animated format based on the OpenAstexViewer to visualise and animate biomacromolecular structures. In this format, aspects of the structure can be highlighted and explained using pre-programmed animations and discussion in the text of the article. Animations are activated by links within the text presenting macromolecular that move the animation on to illustrate the concepts discussed in the text. At any point, the user can stop the animation and explore the structure using the functions available in the viewer, for instance rotating the molecule or zooming in on a feature of interest. Other links within the text allow the reader to explore additional annotation and give access to PDBe’s many tools for further analysis of the data.