Getting poster data...
Eric Weitz, Jonathan Bistline, Timothy Tickle, Scott Sutherland (Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, United States of America)
Ideogram.js is a JavaScript library for chromosome visualization. Ideogram supports drawing and animating genome-wide datasets for human, mouse, and many other eukaryotes. It uses D3.js and SVG to achieve fast, crisp client-side rendering. The Ideogram API for annotations supports histograms, overlays, and points of arbitrary shape and color layered in tracks. Ideogram can depict haploid, diploid or higher ploidy genomes (e.g. plants), as well as aneuploidy, genetic recombination, and homologous features between chromosomes. Use cases include embedding in genome browsers, as well as depicting transcriptomic profiles with single cell RNA-seq data, structural variation, chromosome abnormalities in cancer, ancestry analysis, and making genomics more understandable for the general public. Free and open source code, many live usage examples, and complete API documentation are available at