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Carmen Mata Martin, Yan Ning Zhou, Ding Jun Jin (Transcription Control Section, RNA Biology Laboratory, CCR, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Frederick, MD 21702-1201)
HNS is a global repressor that preferentially binds to sequences with high-AT content that are usually associated with horizontally transferred genes. As one of the major nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs), HNS also has a role in the chromosome organization. It is an unsolved issue whether HNS forms foci in E. coli. We hypothesize that HNS foci in fast-growing cells represent transcriptional silenced territories (named silenzones) that are spatially segregated (mutually exclusive in location) from the transcription factories associated with RNA polymerase (RNAP) foci in the chromosome. During stress responses, HNS foci are rearranged and form new silenzones to repress a new set of genome-wide genes, while enabling previously silenced stress-responsive genes to be expressed. We further hypothesize that dynamic changes in the spatial organization of HNS during growth and stress response reflect an intertwined relationship between gene expression and the organization of the chromosome. In this poster, we present our ongoing study using three dimensional superresolution structured illumination microscopy (3D-SIM) on the spatial organization of HNS in fast-growing cells and its spatial