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Dorothea Emig (Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbruecken, Germany)
Alternative splicing is an important biological mechanism for increasing the molecular diversity on the transcript and protein level. Splice variants can differ in the composition of functional domains and the presence of miRNA binding sites. These differences may result in the gain or loss of specific molecular interactions, in modified pathways, or in quantitative expression differences. Alternative splicing events can be identified using microarrays like the Affymetrix Exon Array, but the functional implications of splicing are still unknown to a large extent. Therefore, we developed the Cytoscape plugin DomainGraph, which focuses on the visualization of differentially expressed exons in the context of affected genes, gene products, interaction networks, and pathways. DomainGraph visually integrates molecular networks and pathways with exon expression results, which are obtained from exon microarray data using the statistical analysis tool AltAnalyze. Occurrences of potential splicing events are highlighted and can be viewed at different levels of granularity, supporting the identification of alternatively spliced exons and the visual analysis of their biological impact.