Archive for October, 2019

VIZBI 2020: Save the Date

Thursday, October 17th, 2019

We are excited to announce that VIZBI 2020 will take place May 27-30 at the Bridge Institute of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. This will be the 11th international meeting on ‘Visualizing Biological Data’, and the first VIZBI event on the West Coast of the USA. As always, VIZBI 2020 will feature talks on visual analysis methods; but there will also be a special focus on visual communication. VIZBI 2020 aims to go beyond ‘art & biology’, allowing participants to engage with the many cinematic and visual arts industries based in Los Angeles. We hope very much you will be able to join us for this special event – more details to follow. In the meantime, please mark VIZBI 2020’s dates in your calendar!