Autodesk Art & Biology Award

We are pleased to announce that – as with previous years – Autodesk have agreed to sponsor a prize for the most visually compelling and original ‘Art & Biology’ submission. Each VIZBI participant is invited to upload one artistically-inspired image, which will be featured on the VIZBI poster gallery. The award winner will receive a one-year subscription to Autodesk Maya (valued at $1,825 CAD). Maya is widely-used for creating interactive 3D applications, video games, animated film, TV series, and visual effects. The prize is offered to participants from academics and industry alike, but cannot be resold. The Art & Biology entries will be unveiled during the Art & Biology evening on Thursday, June 15, and the winner will be announced on June 16 during the closing session. For details see the VIZBI 2017 poster page. The deadline for upload is May 31 at 23:59 CET.


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