Fourmentin-Guilbert Foundation Award for Best Lightning Talk

The Fourmentin-Guilbert FoundationWe are delighted to announce a new award for Best Lightning Talk; the winner will be decided by popular vote, and will receive a cash prize of €1,500 from the Fourmentin-Guilbert Foundation.

Lightning talks are a challenging format where presenters have 1 minute to convey their scientific message by any means necessary. We look forward to new standards of scientific communication being set by VIZBI participants competing for this new award!

We are very pleased to add the Fourmentin-Guilbert Foundation (@FondationFG on Twitter) to the list of organisations supporting VIZBI. The Foundation promotes the Life Sciences by supporting new concepts in biology, and raising awareness in other scientific disciplines.

To be eligible, you must upload a scientific poster plus lightning talk slides prior to February 26 at 23:59 CET (deadline has been extended).

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