VIZBI 2016 keynotes

Fred Brooks is the Kenan Professor of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is best known for leading development of IBM’s System/360 family of computers and support software, which in turn led to the 8-bit byte. His reflections on this process resulted the best-seller ‘The Mythical Man-Month’. Brooks has received many awards, including the National Medal of Technology (1985) and the Turing Award (1999). In the 1990s he collaborated with Jane and David Richardson on pioneering work in molecular graphics on the representation of protein structures.
Gaël McGill is Director of Molecular Visualization at Harvard Medical School and also leader of Digizyme, a company focused on visualization and communication of science. McGill has created the scientific visualization online community portal (originally, the software toolkit Molecular Maya, and has contributed to leading textbooks on Maya and ZBrush. Recently, he was also digital director for E.O. Wilson’s Life on Earth iPad biology textbook developed in partnership with Apple.
Kwan-Liu Ma is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of California-Davis, where he directs VIDI Labs and UC Davis Center of Excellence for Visualization. His research spans the fields of scientific visualization, information visualization, visual analytics, visualization for storytelling, visualization interface design, and volume visualization. Ma received the NSF Presidential Early-Career Research Award (2000), is an elected IEEE Fellow (2012), and winner of the 2013 IEEE VGTC Visualization Technical Achievement Award for outstanding research.

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