Archive for January, 2014

Bang Wong to give the VIZBI 2014 keynote on ‘Communicating Science Visually’

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014

Bang Wong may be known to many of you by now as the co-chair of the VIZBI meeting series.  He is the creative director at the Broad Institute of MIT and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Art as Applied to Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He holds a Masters degree in Immunology and a Masters degree in Medical Illustration, both from the John Hopkins University School of Medicine.  His work focuses on developing visual strategies to meet the analytical challenges posed by the unprecedented scale, resolution, and variety of data in biomedical research. He also writes a monthly column for Nature Methods that deals with the fundamental aspects of visual presentation. This year, he will present a keynote on ‘Communicating Science Visually’. His previous presentations at the VIZBI meeting series can be found here.