VIZBI 2011 call for participation

We are delighted to announce VIZBI 2011, the 2nd workshop on ‘Visualizing Biological Data’, to be held at the Broad Institute, Cambridge-MA (USA), March 16-18, 2011. VIZBI 2011 brings together scientists actively using or developing computational visualization to study a diverse range of biological data. The workshop features an impressive list of high-profile speakers who will each review the state-of-the-art and challenges with visualization in their field. VIZBI 2011 also features an art and science evening (Thursday) during which we will be joined by medical illustrators, graphic designers, and artists interested in biological visualization. On Saturday, March 20, immediately after the workshop, participants can choose from a range of tutorials and take part in a hands-on ‘bring-your-own-data’ session. All workshop participants are encouraged to submit a poster on their work, plus an image for the art & science evening. Participants also have the opportunity to be part of an authoritative book co-authored with the VIZBI speakers; the book will be the first to comprehensively review this topic – essentially an expanded version of the Nature Methods focus issue – and will be distributed by a major scientific publisher. We hope you can join us for this exciting event!

The VIZBI 2011 chairs
Seán O’Donoghue, EMBL
James Procter, U. Dundee
Larry Hunter, U. Colorado
Bang Wong, Broad

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