Welcome to the VIZBI blog

Our primary goal in the VIZBI workshops is to bring together researchers using and developing methods to visualize a broad range of biological data. Our focus is on the visualization of processed and annotated data in their biological context, rather than the processing of raw data, or on experimental visualization techniques.

Having called together this community, we are now providing this blog as a way of staying in contact. We plan to post here announcements related to the VIZBI meeting, e.g., the publication of articles and videos related of the VIZBI talks. We also plan to post information not strictly related to the VIZBI meeting, but of interest to the VIZBI community, e.g., announcements of other similar meetings, news about other significant publications, orĀ  the launch of new web resources related to visualizing biological data.

In addition, we hope that the blog can be used for discussions that help to identify and exploit synergies between visualization in different areas of research. For example – cases for inter-operation, the re-use of methods or concepts, and common conventions in usability.

Thus, we would like to invite you to contact us if you have news, announcements, or topics you would like to add to the VIZBI blog.

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