About the Conference


VIZBI 2015, the 6th international meeting on Visualizing Biological Data will be held March 25-27, at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge MA, USA. VIZBI 2015 brings together scientists, illustrators, and designers actively using or developing computational visualization to study a diverse range of biological data.

The conference features 21 invited talks that will review the state-of-the-art and challenges in visualizing data from genomes, transcripts, proteins, cells, organisms, and populations. Prior to the meeting (March 24), there will also be tutorials on several visualization tools. The conference program is available online.

All VIZBI 2015 participants have the opportunity to present a poster describing their work. Just before your poster session, you will be given 60 seconds and 2 PowerPoint slides to briefly introduce yourself and your poster to all VIZBI participants (details here).

If you cannot join us in Cambridge, you have the option of virtual registration, which allows participation in the conference (but not tutorials) via streaming video.

Key Dates

March 7, 23:59 PST: Deadline for normal posters upload (extended)

March 15, 23:59 PST: Deadline for registration and for Art & Biology and virtual poster upload


Download conference poster (high resolution)

Funding for this conference was made possible in part by NIH grant R13LM010987 ( ID GRANT10582688). The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.