The VizbiPlus project aims to improve how life science is communicated by creating exemplary scientifically-accurate animations designed to inspire and educate the public about cutting-edge biomedical research.
Clostridium tetani & Tetanus. How infection with Clostridium tetani interrupts nervous control of our muscles, leading to tetanus. Created by Maja Divjak (Gene Technology Access Centre, Melbourne).
Bordetella pertussis & Whooping Cough. How Bordetella pertussis infects the airways and causes whooping cough. Created by Maja Divjak (Gene Technology Access Centre, Melbourne).
The FODMAP Grand Tour Down Under: IBS Relief. Created by Christopher Hammang (Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney).
The Hungry Microbiome. How healthy diet and gut bacteria help prevent cancer. Created by Christopher Hammang (CSIRO, Sydney).
Alzheimer's Enigma. Reveals the role of protein breakdown in Alzheimer’s disease. Created by Christopher Hammang (CSIRO, Sydney).
Cancer Is Not One Disease. How molecular mistakes can now be detected in individual cancers. Created by Kate Patterson (Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney).
Tagging DNA: Mislabelling the Cancer Genome. How methylation can affect gene expression without changing the genetic code. Created by Kate Patterson (Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney).